what are Sitempas in Seo? Types of sitemaps in seo?
A sitemap lists a website's pages where search engines can find and crawl them. Sitemaps provide a clear view of website structure. It is a place on a website that consists of audio, video, images, and other information. Sitemaps are important in SEO. They are used for good website optimization and give websites a clear view that can easily crawl your sites. A sitemap consists of all significant pages. People searching for a specific page on your website can find it through sitemaps. 1) XML Sitemap : These sitemaps are the common types of sitemaps. They are generally present in the root folder of your domain. The compressed size of the XML sitemap is 50MB. It can consist of a Blog Sitemap, Product Sitemap, Category Sitemap, Landing Pages, and images and videos. Example-www.example.com/sitemap.xml 2) HTML Sitemap- It is the second type of sitemap that can be viewed by website visitors. It helps in the navigation to a specific page and provides a user experience view. They are link...