Instagram is the most popular app used nowadays for marketing. Instagram reels provide funny, short, suited videos and consist of entertaining, educational, and creative content on the app. It is just like Titk tok. Here the reels, and captions are displayed in an endless and exciting manner with the scrollable property. Instagram reels are the option Instagram that is usually opted for by people for creating and framing their reels to make them more interesting they choose their niche accordingly. Collaborations are also done by various creators and collaborators for branding. It helps in getting more customer attention and traffic. Reels can be recorded and edited easily within 15-90 seconds. Here are the steps that will provide you with how to make Instagram Reels- Step #1: Storyboard Your Concept Identify your concept and plan your niche accordingly. Go for the topic that gives sense and is trending. It can be based on fashion, styling, food recipes, and wellness. The reels you cre...