What is SERP?
SERP means Search Engine, Result Page. Whenever a user enters or searches for a query. It helps users to find related questions by entering a keyword. There are different types of keywords available like long-tail,short-tail. Long tail keywords are more than 4 words and short tail keywords are about 3 words. If a user searches for the best digital marketing services then it can be up to 4 words keywords it is a long tail keyword. But if a user enters a keyword digital marketing services then it's up to a short keyword.
->Serp Results can be Organic, Paid, and Sponsored.
Organic means-The results are free there is no cost involved. If a user is searching for queries on social media marketing for business. Then it can be paid ads or free. The free result is an organic result.
Paid Ads
These ads cost some pay that advertisers pay for each ad clicked. It Comes under SEM(Search engine marketing). It also consists of PPC.These can be text-based and they come in a variety of formats and advertisers.
SERP is the main for google results. If the user wants a query then he has to type his query in the search box and accordingly he can get information based on his query either its navigational,functional,transactional.
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